Cheryl Jones

web developer

Hi! I'm a web developer and teacher based in Queensland, Australia. I love learning new things, and helping people find creative solutions to their problems.

Right now, I'm loving the VueJS framework, but I also have an understanding of server-side code and have built sites and CMS's in Python as well.


Technical Skills

    • version control (git)
    • analytical skills
    • data flow and wireframing
    • testing and debugging
    • API integration
    • responsive design

Languages and Frameworks

  • Python
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Flask
  • Django
  • Vue
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Nuxt

Some of my work

Nuxt3 ecommerce

  • simple e-commerce application in Nuxt3
  • Pinia for state management
  • still in development

Internationalisation (i18n)

  • English/Thai translation using vue-i18n
  • Firebase integration
  • Landlords can report a bad tenant or search an applicant
  • Third-party auth (Google and Facebook)

Custom CMS in Python

  • custom CMS
  • made with Wagtail, in Python (Django Framework)

Wordpress Blog

  • Blog made in Wordpress for a friend who is an avid crafter and Stampin'up demonstrator

Python-Flask Coffee

  • custom application built for Year 10 Hospitality students
  • made in Python with Flask micro-framework
  • includes a customer-facing ordering solution and full admin backend
  • chart.js was used to graph statistics
  • integrated gmail to send order confirmation and reset password token
  • Room for improvement: I became interested in Vue because I hated how the server had to refresh every time an item was added
  • this is being used currently and hosted privately, but I have hosted a copy on pythonanywhere so that you can test it! Click on 'register' to create a new account

Nuxt3 Portfolio

  • portfolio site made in Nuxt 3
  • dynamic data from JSON
  • in future the data will be generated from Strapi CMS
  • for fun the colours of the work samples are generated randomly
  • enjoying using CI/CD pipeline with Netlify

Contact me

Hey, I would love to hear from you! Drop me a message below and I'll get back soon.